Friday, 5 May 2017

Brexit Britain - Tell me the good news?

Totally bored of lies and idiotic soundbites, from all sides.

There has been no debate, a shambles of a campaign, from both sides, full of lies and absolute bullshit which shows no sign of ending.

For me, I was a "Remain" voter, and still believe that was right.

However, as the public are allowed to vote on issues they can't possibly understand, we are leaving the EU as voted for, and I don't believe this will or should be changed.
We are also leaving a lot more than the binary question asked about the EU, and since the vote in June I have seen a lot of bad news, personally and work wise experienced many negative impacts and plans for more ahead - and this leads me to my question to anyone who voted "Leave" and still believes it is the right thing to do.

Explain to me, in under 1000 words, without using pointless and meaningless phrases like Taking Back Control, exactly what positives there are to look forward to?
Economically, socially, politically, personal - anything that as a result of Mrs Mays negotiations will make Britain better off in the short and long term.

No point scoring, no arguments, I just really want to understand what the views are that I cannot fathom from what I see and experience.

Thanks in advance

1 comment:

  1. 1. Europe is going to fail.  The Euro cannot succeed without monetary and political union, Germany will never allow that.  They are running an 8% budget surplus and refuse to reduce it.  Italy will be the first country to leave.  I would need to debate this face to face.  I would need to explain why I think, economically, failure is inevitable and how Germany are holding a gun to Italy's head to try and keep them in (via their Target banking liabilities) and how this will inevitably fail.

    2. The logic of 1 dictates that we either get Euro failure or, perhaps, the miracle of monetary union does happen.  If the latter we will be frozen out as the rest of Europe puts the interests of the Euro bloc first.  Either scenario is bad.

    3. Expansion.  There are 7 countries in the EU with a AVERAGE wage that is one third or less than our minimum, 7 more where it is half or less than our minimum.  The 5 countries next in the frame to join are in this bracket.  It is no longer a union of relative equals.  It can only mean a continuing and worsening flood of economic migrants from poor to rich.  I'm not anti immigration but I'm not into one way traffic either. 

    4. Don't even get me started on tariffs and the single market.  Try reading up, they are all over the shop and illogical, a patchwork of vested interests.  We are well shot of that. Unsurprisingly, it barely caters for service industries, our strength.

    5. The EU is more unnecessary bureaucracy.  We don't need another layer of this creaming off its cut.  Put in x billion, get x billion rebated LESS an x billion administration fee. 

    I could go on, there are plenty of other reasons.  As I say, I prefer to debate face to face because I think any pro EU argument can be refuted. 

    What saddens me is that a recession is coming.  It is being driven by a Chinese slowdown derived from credit contraction (or rather a slower pace of expansion after the mad loosening of the past 12 months).  They are responsible for half the world's growth, neither us nor the EU can escape this. Remainers, mistakenly, see everything through the prism of Brexit so what comes next is a round of I told you so.

    I believe we are better off out and will be more successful in the long run.  I'm prepared to accept any short or medium term pain to get there.
